Sunday, December 27, 2009

In the English 125 Course which started in August and ended in December 2009 with Mrs. Patricia which was the teacher and the leader of this course, we learned many new things, ways and techniques of learning this subject. We had many activities in the class and outside the class by the Independent Learning Centre and by Signing in to the Blogger to submit all our essays requested from out teacher’s side. Also, we learned how to work as a member in a group by adding comments on our partners and team members to make them do better and gave us the chance to evaluate and take a responsibility and a part of the team.

The best writing was the essay talking about Hajj. I learned many words which can help me describe this prayer to others in English who don’t know the words and meanings in Arabic by following the steps and things they must do and things they must avoid while doing this prayer. Also, it helped me to research in the websites and choose the best words which make sense and useful for my essay. It made me also be better in connecting the ideas with the words as a mean thing In this writing.
The most challenging part of this course was the reading section. First of all as a reading in general, I’m personally not a reader either in English or Arabic. It’s boring to me and I feel that I like to write and talk and listen much more than holding a peace of paper with distributed ink on it and from us to start pronouncing and reading and getting the ideas and it’s full of new and confusing words. I did my best by practicing indoor and outdoor activities handed by our teacher.

I think that I will do well in this course and pass it, and I will do my best to like the reading subject and learn more ways and techniques to read and get the ideas much faster than now. Hopefully that I will graduate with a better reflection about all sides of skills in English.

Accident in the desert

In Awafi Festival 2008 which was the last week in my hometown Ras Al Khaimah, we used to have our own campaign in “Al Ezb” area. It’s an area in Awafi which is full of campaigns from families and guys from all over the UAE. They have their own tents and it’s Surrounded by wires to show that that’s their area. They have like barbecues and watching |TV as they have their own Electric Generator which make them able to use the Electricity. We used to go to cruise the sand dunes by cars and ATV bikes. And once we had an accedint and I will explain what happened in the following paragraph.

Me and my cousin Abdulla went and cruised at a late time at about 11:30p.m. First we went to have our tea with milk from Malik Al Karak Restaurant which is located in Awafi it self, then we started the trip after we put them seat belts. We went to the meddle of the desert as we put petrol and we bought chips and chocolates so that we can pass the time enjoying the dunes, chatting, and eating as usual. Suddenly, as we went into a place that is not really known by both of us. As we used to know most of the place because of that we’ve been to Awafi in ages. The place was looking unsafe and the ways of the dunes looks unclear. While chatting and being busy from the way we fall in a very dangerous slope and the car was kind of flying and crashed on the sand. The front Bumper crashed due to the high distance including the front lights and the front grille of the car. No matter what happened to the car, thanks God that we were fine and the damage was only on the body not on the tiers or engine so that we can turn on the Navigation system and go back to our camp. We did so and went to pray for God that we survived and went to sleep.

Seat belts was one of the reasons that no one of us crashed his head after the car landed to the groud. My advice is to wear it becaue no one knows what surprises can we face in this life and specially in cars.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Brother and a Sister

Brother and a Sister
It’s known that Humanity is Mainly Created by Adam and Hawa’a. One part who completes the other part. Father, Mother, Sister and Brother are the member of a family. Each one of them is playing a role in this life. In the following it’s shown about Brother and Sister.

First of all starting from the brother. A brother is the one who protects the family. He’s also the one who the family can depend on in the future to carry all the family issues from his father. Also he is the one who will carry his father’s name and continue the history of his father.
On the other hand, talking about the sister. She is more likely to be with the mother, taking care about the cleaning and sorting issues. Also she can be a helper in her early beginning of learning. She might also a good cocker and take her mother’s place. But she’s different than a brother because she carries her husband name after she get married and get separated from the family by name.

All on all, every one of them plays a role in a family and have his or her effect and place.

UAE Before 30 years and now

It’s well-known all over the world that the UAE is the most quick developed country in the world in the short period of 30 years. It’s not just a development, It’s a jump from the old style way of living to the modern lifestyle.

In the past most of the UAE nationals where living in tents and homes which are made by the palms leaves. They used to travel by camels and horses and only few rich people used to have kind of basic cars which was there at that time. Also they used to eat fresh meat from camels, cows, goats and the valuable fish meat. They used to depend on the living by either from the animals milks and meat or fishing and diving searching for fish and pearl.

Nowadays it’s totally different. The UAE nationals are living in the most developed kind of homes and villas. Almost everyone who is over 18 is driving a car and if not he will be traveling with a driver or his father or in the worst situation in a taxi. They have all kind of food from all over the world, Chinese, Indian, Iranian from thousands of restaurant without forgetting the basic food which used to be there. They now have Oil, Tourism and all kinds of trading and businesses with the very sensitive location of the country connecting the east with the west.

In my opinion as a UAE national, we do changed in our lifestyle and many other things, but we still have the custodian that we grow up with from our fathers and grand fathers.


In the UAE the weather is hot in the summer and kind of windy and cool in the winter. So to cool us down in the winter we prefer ice-creams and cold staff. Here are the steps of how the ice-cream is made.

First the weigh out the ingredient and mix them together. Then pasteurize the mix. This means to heat it to a high temperature to kill off any harmful bacteria. Homogenize the mix is also. This means to break down the fat globules in the milk or cream to make them smaller. Now the ice-cream will be smoother, will whip better and won't melt as easily. Then left the mix for at least four hours, usually overnight, to let the fat cool and form into crystals. Add any flavors, fruit purees, or colors at this point. Then pump the mix through a special barrel freezer which freezes some of the water in the ice-cream and whips air into it at the same time. Then pump up the mix to half the volume of ice-cream is air. Without it, the ice-cream would be like a frozen ice cube. After that add any fruits, nuts, sweets or biscuit bits to the semi-frozen mixture at this point. Finally package the ice cream and put into a blast freezer at -30° to -40°C where more of the water in the ice-cream is frozen to make it harder.

In my opinion, fresh fruits which is used to the ice-cream gives it delicious taste and cooling down in the summer and day time specially everywhere.


Nowadays, Cups are daily used by us everywhere. It’s used for drinking water and juice, liquids in general. Here are the steps of how cups are made.

First step is to place dry clay powder in container. Second thing is to add water and mix them together. Third thing is to remove access water and shape into flat shapes or cakes. After that, press into cup moulds and add handles to it. The following step is to dry it in kiln. Also, to rough edges smoothed of is one of the important steps to made a cup. After that decorate it so that it can take the shape. Finally, check the imperfect cups, reject them pack the good ones and dispatch to shops.

In my opinion, as those cups are used and important we can reuse it for many times till it get useless and send them to recycle them and get a use from the material of it.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Ramadan is our Holly- Month as Muslims. In this month, Muslims are getting closer to Allah. It’s a chance and an opportunity to increase your kind things and to forget about your devilish things that you have done in the previous time, and stay closer to your God.
Back in time, before about ten years, Ramadan was really different than now. The weather was really nice. It was raining in a your, windy in another. We were not feeling that we are fasting as the night was longer than the day time. Also, the things that keeps you away and from being really free just to pray and read the Holly Quraan as it’s more liked from Allah to read it as much as you can as it’s the month of the Quraan when it came from Allah to Prophet Mohamed-May Allah bless him and peace.
So, back to the subject, Back in time I was just studying at school, nothing alse to do. I wasn’t responsible of any of my familt matters. I wasn’t having any thing in the afternoon till the Iftar time. I used to stay in the mosque from about 02:00 PM till the time of Athan with my brothers praying and reading the Holly Quraan. Sure we used to have breaks from time to time running after each other even thought we are fasting and hungry. After that we are going back home, waiting for the Iftar time so that we can break our fast. Then I used to play football in Ramadan compitions in the Officers Club and we won in couple of Cups in there.
I wish that that time is back, where I can be free, without the college stress or the hot weather to enjoy fasting and praying and playing at the same time.

The Hajj

Hajj is the forth Main Staff of the build of Islam. It’s on 9th Dhu Al Haja in the Arabic date which Muslims All over the word they travel with their Hajj group to do it in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.First of All they stop on their way to Mecca to shower and change clothes to be ready to start it. Then travel from Mecca to Mina. There they spend the day and night in enormous tent cities, praying, reading the Qur’an, and resting for the next day. In the next day they travel to the Plain of Arafat for the culminating experience of the Hajj. On what is known as the Day of Arafat, They spend the entire day near the Mount of Mercy, asking Allah for forgiveness and making supplications. Muslims around the world who are not at the pilgrimage join them in spirit by fasting for the day. After sunset on the Day of Arafat, the pilgrims leave and travel to a nearby open plain called Muzdalifah, roughly halfway between Arafat and Mina. There they spend the night praying, and collecting small stone pebbles to be used the following day. On the third day, the pilgrims move before sunrise, this time back to Mina. Here they throw their stone pebbles at pillars that represent the temptations of Satan. When throwing the stones, the pilgrims recall the story of Satan’s attempt to dissuade Abraham from following God’s command to sacrifice his son. The stones represent Abraham’s rejection of Satan and the firmness of his faith. After casting the pebbles, most pilgrims slaughter an animal (often a sheep or a goat) and give away the meat to the poor. This is a symbolic act that shows their willingness to part with something that is precious to them, just as the Prophet Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son at God’s command. The pilgrims then return to Mecca and perform seven tawaf, turns around the Ka’aba, the house of worship built by Abraham and his son. In other rites, the pilgrims pray near a place called “The Station of Abraham,” which is reportedly where Abraham stood while constructing the Ka’aba. The pilgrims also walk seven times between two small hills near the Ka’aba (and enclosed in the Grand Mosque’s complex). This is done in remembrance of the plight of Abraham’s wife Hajar, who desperately searched in the area for water for herself and her son, before a spring welled up in the desert for her. The pilgrims also drink from this ancient spring, known as Zamzam, which continues to flow today. In the days and weeks after Hajj, many Muslims take advantage of their travel time by visiting the city of Madinah, 270 miles north of Mecca. The people of Madinah provided refuge to the early Muslim community, when they were being persecuted by the powerful Meccan tribes. Madinah became a center for the growing Muslim community, and was home to the Prophet Muhammad and his followers for many years. Pilgrims visit the Prophet’s Mosque, where Muhammad is buried, as well as other ancient mosques, and the many historical battle sites and graveyards in the area. Pilgrims from outside Saudi Arabia are required to leave the country by the 10th of Muharram, about one month after the completion of the pilgrimage.